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Have You Been Ghosting?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marquette chapter.

Have You Been Ghosting?

When you are no longer interested in someone, do you let them know that whatever relationship you once shared is over? Or do you simply stop all communication with them? There is a trend that is becoming increasingly popular in our society, especially in the technological generation of today. That trend has gathered so much traction that it has actually acquired a name – ghosting.

The New York Times reports, “[I]t’s a verb that refers to ending a romantic relationship by cutting off all contact and ignoring the former partner’s attempts to reach out.” It can be so much more than just a romantic relationship. People have been learning to shut others out by technologically cutting them off. With the way the world today communicates, it is the same as slamming a door in someone’s face. Less people are using the old fashioned way of working things out in person. Instead they are using the road more easily traveled.

If we can shut people out so easily, with a simple deletion or block of a number or profile, what does it say about future generations and their ability to handle conflict? Humanity is suddenly acceptable of running away from conflict or hard situations and helping people hide from their problems. This is a concern for our world’s future that is hiding right under out noses. We cannot even see it yet.

As a 20-year-old college sophomore, I know that I, along with many others, have hidden behind our phones or computers to get out of a tough situation. If we are shying away from stressful, conflicting situations now, what will our futures look like when we are faced with much more crucial positions that we are called to confront? Instead of leaving people in uncertainty from a drop in communication, people would rather be given closure. To ensure that this problem does not continue to impact our world any further, it is essential that the people of today learn to face their problems upfront and communicate effectively. 


Class of 2019 Marquette University College of Arts and Sciences Writing Intensive English, Journalism, and German
Aisling Hegarty

Marquette '18

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