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Mornings Made Easy: How to Start the Day Off Better

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.

By Jacqueline Hoffman

As a college student (and a human in general) I often find it hard to get myself out of bed in the morning.  Why would I voluntarily leave the comfort of my soft, cushy bed with pounds of blankets giving my whole body a warm hug, only to trudge along the sidewalk on a bitter cold morning, to sit through yet another snooze-inducing 8am class?!?

But, like any good #adult, I’ve found little ways to muster up the strength to get myself out of bed and into the world!  Here’s a chronological list of all the wonderful things I like to do to start my early mornings in the least horrible way possible.

  1. Set a peaceful alarm. Instead of the basic iPhone “Alarm” tone, which is startling and annoying (setting yourself up for an angry morning), try a more peaceful and happy-sounding alarm.  (My favorite is “Uplift.”)  Or you could pick your favorite song.  As long as it’s something that doesn’t make you want to rip your hair out the second you wake up.
  2. Drink COFFEE. Or tea. Or anything that makes you excited to wake up.  A little caffeine (or decaf) never hurt! I can’t live without my coffee.
  3. Wear a cute outfit. Continuing on with being excited to wake up: wearing a cute outfit will have you feeling confident and happy as you walk out the door, setting you up for a great day, right off the bat.
  4. Treat yo’self. Drink a smoothie, have some eggs, or even a cinnamon roll!! (No judgment, everyone needs a cheat day!)  Starting your day off with a yummy breakfast will satisfy your tummy and your sweet tooth.  And again, it makes you excited to wake up.  Are you sensing a pattern yet?
  5. Leave 5 minutes early. Finally. You’re done getting ready and you survived the waking up portion.  Leaving five minutes early for class, work, the gym, or wherever else you’re off to, will give you a little extra “me-time” in the garage, parking lot, at your desk, wherever.  It also allows for some wiggle room if you need to get gas, there’s traffic, or you spot your ex on the way to class and you just NEED to take a major detour to avoid him.

Hopefully you can incorporate these tips into your mornings and enjoy the AM a little more (I can’t pass judgment if it’s rough for you though… – mornings are always tough stuff).

Happy risin’, shinin’, and grindin’!