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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.


Imagine it’s just another Monday morning. You head to your local Starbucks and kick off the day with your signature drink. Most likely, you’ll be walking out of the coffee shop with their iconic logo cups. Mmmm…can you imagine the delicious smell of that coffee? You’ll drink it down to the last drop until you’re left with the empty logo cup in hand.

Sorry to ruin your sweet, little fantasy, but that iconic logo cup is going to end up in a landfill. There it will sit for several years along with every other un-recyclable piece of garbage. No coffee can taste that good to cause irreparable damage to the Earth. One effortless way you can change the course of the cup’s life is to B.Y.O.C. (bring your own cup). Besides, doesn’t a discount off your drink sound pretty cool?

In honor of Earth Month, here are 5 other eco-friendly tips & tricks you can use to update your routine:

Oh no! You ripped your favorite jeans!

Instead of throwing them in the trash, set them aside with any other destroyed clothes. Once you collect a bag full of these destroyed pieces, you can take them to H&M (link for “H&M”: https://about.hm.com/en/sustainability/get-involved/recycle-your-clothes…) where they will recycle the textiles and give you a discount off your next purchase.


Just like B.Y.O.C, you can bring your own bag virtually anywhere. Shopping at the mall? B.Y.O.B.! Headed to the grocery store? Definitely, B.Y.O.B.! This design folds up into a tiny square so you can easily take it with you and you’ll never forget.

Stop buying paper towels!

Chances are you have plenty of rag-like towels and they work just as well if not better than paper towels. These towels are multi-purpose and are designed to be used over and over again.

DIY Cleaner

3 ingredients and you have yourself a healthy and natural alternative to many household cleaners. ¼ cup baking soda, ½ cup vinegar, and ½ gallon of water will give you plenty to use now and store for later.

Don’t just throw it away!

Many common items you’ll find in your house, apartment, or dorm shouldn’t be thrown away. Ink cartridges, old phones, and computers can all be recycled at your local Best Buy.


I'm a dog and cat mom- Trigger (the dog) and Rogue (the kitty). I am active by nature, so sitting idle is never an option. I love finding new areas of LA to explore and I am on an endless hunt for the best pizza this city has to offer.