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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lehigh chapter.

Hanlon MacDonald was a girl who touched the lives of many people in the Lehigh community and beyond. Her memory was honored on Thursday, August 29th with a memorial service followed by a candlelight walk around the lower campus. Over 250 people showed up to the service, demonstrating the close, supportive nature of the Lehigh University community. People who did not even know Hanlon came to comfort and support their friends and family. Hanlon’s close friends and sorority sisters shared some words in an effort to portray her contagious enthusiasm and compassion for the people around her. The girls laughed and cried as they recalled their best memories with their beloved friend. The beautiful ceremony was concluded with a walk around the chapel, each participant holding their own candle to commemorate the life of this exceptional young woman, who left an impact on the lives of so many.