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The 14 Types of Fresher and How to Spot Them

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Leeds chapter.

The Social Climber

The social climber is easily spotted. As soon as they enter the room, this fresher has sussed out who they want to talk to. Anyone else is met with a bored stare and monosyllabic responses. Best avoided.

The One Who Bakes

This fresher releases stress by baking, so you can usually smell brownies before you see them. They’re extremely useful flat mates, especially after a particularly messy night out as you can always rely on them to have a supply of cake at the ready.

The One with Friends from Home

This fresher is the one with the great social life! Whilst the rest of you are slumped around the TV watching yet another ‘Come Dine with Me’, she’s having meals out or going to cocktail making classes. It turns out her three best friends from home all go to Leeds.

The Newly Single One

This one can always be spotted taking advantage of their new found independence. Not a night goes by where you haven’t heard a story connecting them to someone else. They see clubbing as a form of ‘shopping’.

The Try Hard

The try hard is the one who opens every conversation with the words ‘Got in at six this morning, hanging so hard.’ They’re always keen to establish that they haven’t done any of the reading for the course. Usually spotted having a minor breakdown in the third week.

The One that’s Cooler than You

The opposite of the try hard is the fresher who actually is cooler than you. This is the point where you become the try hard, and endeavor to impress them with how late you got in last night or how you haven’t even opened the course text yet. This fresher will inevitably make you feel inadequate so it’s always handy to have the ‘one who bakes’ around after any encounter with this type.

The Emotional One

This fresher only needs to have one vodka and coke to start spilling out their life story. They’re the one who drags you into the toilet with them to hear confessions about their first love. They can often be found in tears before the night has even begun!

The Pretentious One

The pretentious one is the one who put a little too much effort into their introduction piece on the VLE. They’re keen to tell you about all the extra books they’ve read and how they spent last summer working for a high end company in London. They’re insufferable in seminars. Avoid at all costs.

The One with the Boyfriend

The one with the boyfriend can go one of two ways. The first type of fresher can often be spotted glued to her phone and is able to bestow smug looks upon the rest of you as she’s managed to find her soul mate. The second one however, probably won’t have a boyfriend for much longer. To her, long distance means having your cake and eating it. This means avoiding her boyfriend when he comes down to stay unless you’re sure he won’t be able to read about her cheating from your eyes.

The One that’s Close To Home

The fresher who lives close to home is a source of envy to everyone. They come back to the flat every weekend with bags full of expensive M&S food, as well as some of mum’s cooking for the freezer. They also have the luxury of a night at home after a rough Otley Run, returning the next day fresh eyed and clean whilst the rest of you look like the Addams Family.

The Organizer

The organizer is the one who tells you all the nights out you’re going on. She never misses a trick and knows exactly which tickets you need and where to locate them at the cheapest price. She’s always got one ear to the ground. This fresher does have the tendency to be bossy but you appreciate her when you’ve all got tickets and Varsity has sold out.


The BNOC fresher is amazing! They’ve only been here a week, and they seem to know almost everyone on campus. They’re invited to all the parties and everyone wants to be their best friend. They’re difficult to keep up with but always fun.

The Gap Yah One

The pictures from travelling stuck up on their walls gives away the gap year fresher. They usually have good stories from their crazy adventures around the world but they don’t always know when to shut up. If every sentence out their mouth starts with ‘When I was backpacking through Vietnam…’ it won’t be long before they start to annoy everyone.

The Alcoholic

The ‘alcoholic fresher’, normally a boy, is crazy (or stupid) enough to down whole bottles of neat alcohol. They can always be relied upon to help out with the dirty pint after a game of ‘Ring of Fire.’ Their antics can be amusing but beware of buying drinks packages with them, as chances are, you won’t be seeing much of it.

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