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Classes To Take At Lasell: Effective Speaking

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

COM203 – Effective Speaking

Not everyone likes public speaking, and I especially did not when I first entered this class. While I still don’t enjoy public speaking, I feel like this is a great class to take if you aren’t confident with your skills. In COM203, you learn all of the skills needed in order to be prepared and collected when giving a speech. You learn how to properly practice, as well as the important use of gestures and avoiding reading from your paper. After taking this class, you really do feel better about giving speeches. It’s important to know these skills for any profession, so this class isn’t just for Communication majors. Everyone who has ever struggled with public speaking should take this class to improve.

It doesn’t matter who you take the class with, either. Whether it’s Professor Erin Vicente or Professor Angus McQuilken, you’re in a good position because they know this field well.. I took my class with Professor McQuilken, who taught techniques like the “spaghetti arms” in order to get students to gesture more. I felt a lot more confident once the class ended that I was going to be a better public speaker than I was before. Even if you aren’t in the communication field, I highly suggest taking it as an elective to gain more fortitude.

Danie is a 2018 graduate of Lasell College. She served as Campus Correspondent and Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Lasell for two years, and wrote all four years. Danie also worked for Her Campus as a Community Management intern for two semesters, and was a National Feature Writer for six months. Danie studied Communication with concentrations in Journalism and Public Relations. She is currently seeking opportunities in the editorial or music industry. Follow her on all platforms at @raniedoberts and check out her website, raniedoberts.com.