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Your Basic Guide to Crystals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Up until recently, I myself had been skeptical to learn about crystals and the healing power that they can have. I never believed that a small rock could help heal me in the same way that medicine or a doctor could, but after learning about crystals and what they can do, I thought I should try it and I think you should too.

All of the following information is taken from Crystals for Beginners: The Guide to Get Started with the Healing Power of Crystals by Karen Frazier. It’s important to note that while crystals can also help heal, they are not a cure-all and that doctors and medicine should not be totally abandoned. They are to be used as a supplement to traditional medical practices, not a replacement.

Crystals are natural things that come from deep within the Earth and are formed over long periods of time. True crystals have specific structures called lattice patterns and there are six different patterns: hexagonal, isometric, monoclinic, orthorhombic, tetragonal and triclinic. These structures help determine what the crystals will help with, such as manifestation, improving situations, amplifying energies and protection. With recent technology, people have been able to make artificial crystals in labs. These artificial crystals have the same lattice structures as natural crystals, but some people don’t like them because they are not made deep within the Earth.

What makes crystals special is the energy that they hold. According to quantum physics, all matter is made up of vibrating strings of energy and crystals are no different. The same way that we don’t “vibe” with another person or like their energy, we can feel the same way about crystals. How crystals interact with our own energy is called entrainment or the tendency of one vibrational system to affect the other. Crystals, like people, have their own vibration and crystals can alter our vibrations through entrainment. Just because crystals have energy doesn’t mean you will automatically feel it. It is important to remain open to the experience when dealing with crystals. If you go into the experience doubting the crystals and their energies, then you will most likely feel nothing and not be able to use crystals to their full potential. Much in the same way that you should keep an open mind when meeting a new person, keep an open mind when dealing with crystals.

Crystals can be for anyone, although specific crystals may not entrain with you personally. Anyone can handle crystals, but only those who are willing to believe in their power will experience it. It’s also important to note that you don’t need to know any of these things before dealing with your first crystal. If you prefer to have information, that’s okay, but if you don’t, then that’s okay too.

So where can you find crystals? The three main places to find them are at shops, shows and online. Since crystals should entrain with you, going to shows or shops are preferable, but not necessary. When choosing which crystal is right for you, you should ground yourself before shopping, so you go in without any preconceptions. Listen to your gut and choose the crystal that calls to you. Most importantly, be open to crystals and you may find that they are able to help you.