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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

I had no idea what I wanted to write for this week’s article. Did I want to inform you about a female artist I was currently learning about? What about novel I read for one of my classes? Then, I thought to myself, did I even want to write? Some people think it’s easy to be a writer, that we just sit down and the words just flow out of us. Sure, some days that’s true. There are moments when we can easily type up pages and pages. Of course, they are usually cut back in size once we edit. But sometimes, it’s like trying to climb a mountain in stilettos—difficult and just down right painful.

People have told me that writing must be so easy for me. Or, that they wish it could be as simple for them. I need to tell you that it is not easy! Writing takes time, effort, and a bunch of dedication. Becoming a published author takes determination and strength to power through the rejections. I don’t know why some people just assume that it would be easy to write a 400+ page novel. So, I decided to take this moment to inform people on the process of my writing. 

When you are trying to figure out the details of your work:

That moment when someone comments on how you manage to write so much, but in reality you aren’t. 

But, then they figure out you weren’t writing anything and they tell you that you need to get back to work and write. 

This is how you react when someone tries to look at your uncompleted work.

This is what you tell people when they ask why you haven’t wrote anything recently. ​

That glorious and almost fantastical moment, when you are inspired and are able to get all you want down on the paper. 

How you feel when you finally finish your piece. 

But, then you go back to edit it and you decide you hate all of it. ​