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books on brown wooden shelf
books on brown wooden shelf
Susan Yin/Unsplash
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

I will be the first to admit that my mom still schedules my doctors’ appointments and will even come with me to said appointments; this does not mean I walk around asking for free handouts. I fear the “millennials” have gained a certain image among older generations and they look down at us as we make a bad name for ourselves.

A few weeks ago, a peer that I went to high school with submitted a video to Temple University asking random people she found on the streets to pose for her and hoped she would be accepted into the university. She wrote that her grades and SAT score did not properly represent her abilities and all that she could bring to the school. The idea of standardized testing never appealed to me but I knew that it was important to show what I could do. This student did not add any of her qualities or why she should be accepted to Temple, only that she should get a letter. This frustrated me. My entire senior year of high school was dedicated to doing the best I could do even if that meant missing out on things I would rather be doing. I knew the only way I would get into the school of my dreams would be if I put in the time and work.

We have become too dependent on others doing everything for us. We expect to be handed things on a gold plate without even lifting a finger and I am over it. We are all to blame for this in some way. Maybe we should blame our parents too for giving us too much as we grow up.

I have a lot of friends that go to Temple and they are some of the most talented, hard-working students I have ever met. For this one student to believe she can make a video and get into Temple without working hard like the rest of her peers is mind-blowing. This story had gained a fair amount of attention from students and representatives from the school and many of them believed she should receive her letter right then and there. I cannot agree with this as the rest of the student body had to work for their grades to be given that letter.

As millennials we should be restoring our name and proving to other generations that we are hard workers, we are passionate and we do put in the time and effort into everyday tasks.

My name is Victoria and I am a Communications Major here at Kutztown! I love to read and write in my spare time, I enjoy watching horror movies and I have a weird obsession with sharks.