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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Two weeks ago, I had an interview for a new job. This was an unexpected surprise because I had given up on my job search. I was only looking for a new job because things with my current job were not going as planned. I was told my part time job would turn into a full-time position and I would be making enough money to sustain myself and all living costs. I was told I would be taking on more work as well, and though I was to a certain extent, it wasn’t what I was hoping for. This was very disappointing, but I still held onto hope of staying in my position. As time went on though, I had great people to help me understand that I deserved more than this. I deserved to be making decent money doing something I loved, and so my job search began.

At first, I heard from none of the companies I applied to. This was disheartening, but I did not give up. I continued to apply, apply, apply. Once I got my first call I was enthralled. I had applied to over 60 companies and finally, finally I received a call. But this enthrallment fell through because as soon as I said I was still in college and would be graduating in May, the woman on the phone said that they would put my resume aside and call me in May. This was not what I was expecting. I wanted to have something lined up for after graduation to grow into, rather than sitting around waiting for something to happen. After two or three calls similar to this, I decided to give up on my job search until it was closer to my graduation date.

Then, one morning I woke up to an email from a woman inquiring about a position I applied to on Indeed.com. She said they saw my resume and wanted to bring me in for an interview. I replied to her right away telling her I would be there on Tuesday.

I went to my first interview and within a day, they called me in for a second interview. This was a good sign, but I was still nervous. Finally, I went in for the second interview and within a few days got a call that they were offering me a position for assistant editor. Happiness overcame me. This was exactly what I wanted. I start at my new job May 7th and this is the first step towards a great future doing what I love.

While being a member of Kutztown University’s Her Campus, I was the Vice President and lead editor. Her Campus afforded me many opportunities to voice my thoughts and opinions freely, and let them be heard by anyone reading. I found Her Campus to be a great tool in helping me advance my future in writing and editing.