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Let’s Talk About Sex

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

               What does a person’s body count mean to you? In this day and age the term “body count” means the number of people you’ve had sex with. Usually if someone has a higher body count they’re considered a slut, whore, easy, etc. The list goes on. If someone has a very low body count they might be called prude or shy. Why does this number hold significance in what we think of others?

                Humans are sexual beings. We like sex. We use sex for our own benefits. Most of us have sex to reproduce. Sex is a way of showing affection. Sex is a way to release stress and tension we hold in our bodies. Sex can be shared, or it can be done on your own. Anyone and everyone can have sex, so why is it so frowned upon in certain situations. I’ve heard people say things like “oh that person is just going through their slutty phase. Everyone does it at some point”, but I don’t think that’s right. Personally, I have had a few “slutty” phases. In high school I discovered sex and because I was the first of many in my class, I was named a slut. Then again in college, my sex life grew, and I was called a slut, told that I was too easy and that I would never earn the respect of a man.

                Eventually I met some pretty awesome people who did not judge me for my free-spirited sex life. I met a girl who has a very low body count and I met a girl who’s count is higher than mine and continuing to climb. Even though our numbers were so different, we all agreed that we love sex.

                Having a lot of sex with many partners does not make you any less of a person. It does not mean you have low morals. It does not mean anything other than that you like sex. Who doesn’t? Not having a lot of sex, or even never having sex at all does not mean you are a saint. It does not mean that your morals are high. It does not make you a better person. Body count does not matter! Whether you’re in a virgin, in a committed relationship, or want to have sex with someone new every night, stop judging others for their sex life.