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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

The Water Diviner

The Water Diviner is a film starring Russell Crowe, following the story of a father who loses all of his three boys in war. Due to the unbearable grief, his wife takes her own life, which then leads our protagonist to begin the journey of finding his three sons’ remains and burying them with their mother.

I’ve seen many film trailers, but this one line is what caught me: “You can find water, but you can’t even find your own children.” This line was spoken from the protagonist’s wife and it is truly a horrible line for a father to hear. I have many times felt quite useless in relieving the pain of those who I care for and if someone ever told me that I can write beautiful words but could not find a way to be of comfort or of help, I would feel horrible. This film is supposed to demonstrate war in the rawness and fragileness it carries. In war we usually classify someone or some place as a winner, but in reality in war we all lose. War takes lives and that is something that can never be a triumph. 




Home is an animated film about an alien race called Boov who conquer the planet Earth. They manage to relocate the entire human population; however, one young girl, Tip was able to stay hidden. Tip and and a fugitive of the Boov population called Oh meet and distrust each other. However, soon Tip realizes that Oh just wants a friend and that he can help her find her mother. This is the beginning of the journey of an unlikely friendship and the search for Tip’s mother, which is then complicated when the Boov’s enemy alien race appears on Earth.

When I first saw the ads for this animation movie, which is meant for kids, I was ecstatic because there was going to be representation for many young girls in the Black and African American communities. It is important for these young girls to feel visible, and sadly today’s media does not allow that for many girls and boys who are minorities in the United States.

True Story

A journalist from the New York Times who faces disgrace in the public meets Christian Longo, a man who lost his family and is being accused of their murder.

The trailer captured my attention not only because I dream of writing for the New York Times, but also because it seems to have a concrete story line. Also, who does not love a mystery film that will keep you a the edge of your seat? The film has a good set of actors, including James Franco, Jonah Hill and Felicity Jones. If you’re ready for a film that has you filled with questions and forming your own conclusions as the film develops into it’s storyline, then this is the film for you.


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