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How to Self Relax in these Hard Times

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Spring Break just ended and now is the time for professors to give you more tests, quizzes, projects, and in general just make you lose sleep. It is a time in which we all have to get ourselves together, really finish strong but also take care of our physical and mental selves.

Stuff can truly be tough and endless at these moments. If family gives you comfort, talk and try to spend more time with them. Maybe family makes you feel better but being beside them drains you and is hurtful because you cannot take their or your pain either. It is okay. It is okay to want to be home but to escape it at the same time.

Be close to your friends. Create study groups, cook with your friends. Remember to eat. Drink water multiple times a day. Take a walk and take in the scenery and breathe. If you don’t want to go out but still want to get out of your room, dorm, apartment, or the place you occupy you can try to watch a movie with friends (if money is tight, since we know that is a reality for college students) or go to the park.

The public library offer great novels, in which you can just wrap yourself into a story. You can also check out movies for free with your own library card. All in all take care of yourself and guard the energy you give and toward the people you give your energy to.  Try coloring like you did when you were younger. The way you held your crayon or colored pencils so carefully as yout tried to create your next work of art. Dance. Dance with friends or by yourself. Dance and smile, you deserve it.


Self care is not easy but you matter. You mattered yesterday, you matter today, and you will matter tomorrow.