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How To: Easily Stick to your Health and Fitness Goals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

With the start of the new year a couple weeks behind us now, it’s getting to the time when our resolutions regarding health and fitness have seemingly started to vanish. We are all human and it is very common to get off track every once in awhile, but here are some of my favorite tips to keep your health and fitness goals on track.

1.     Don’t go overboard

Don’t bite off really more than you can chew. Start with small goals that are easily tangible and then proceed from there. This will help with one’s confidence as well. When you are reaching and exceeding the goal you have started with, it will give you more ambition to continue the journey.

2.     Do it with friends

For myself, I have started to do cycle classes and what has made it so much more fun and bearable has been having friends beside me. If you have friends who are working with you on goals, it is much easier to not quit and give up. The more friends, the better!

3.     Plan, and plan some more

The best way to see tangible results is to make a steady plan. Pick a different color pen for your calendar and specifically mark when and where you are going to work out for that day, and so on.  Having a game plan is the most important when trying something new. Do your research and try different methods to see which ones work for you! Also, plan out your meals if you are dieting. The worst is when you have nothing planned, because you are more likely to cheat on your diet!

4.     Take a break

The biggest and most important tip that I have is to take a break when you need it. I typically give myself one cheat meal a week and one day off from the gym, but definitely tailor it to your specific goal (I’m training for a marathon). Having the occasional break and cheat day will help you stay on track because you are not completely depriving yourself.

All in all, fitness and health is totally a personal preference. You need to find a goal and plan that works for you!