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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Spring cleaning is something I always dreaded as a kid. It meant going through my whole closet, sorting out things I rarely wore and dusting all the nooks and crannies in the house. As an adult, spring cleaning takes on a whole new meaning and brings about totally different feelings. Spring cleaning becomes a chance to take a breath, analyze your to-do list and attack what lies ahead. However, the cleaning that can take place as an adult can take many different forms. Between social media, hoarding of material possessions and what seems like not enough time in the day, taking a break to sort through what makes up your life can really make a difference.

1. Get rid of some clothes. Not only will having more space in your closet leaving you feeling like you’ve conquered the world, giving your gently used clothing to Good Will or Salvation Army will also boost your mood. I can promise that you don’t need more than four dresses, no matter how hard you try to convince yourself otherwise. By culling through your wardrobe, you may be able to find an excuse to invest in a piece you’ve had your eye (and money) on for a while. The best way to ensure your closet isn’t just full of pieces that will be collecting dust by next season is to invest in clothes that are well made, convertible and comfortable. 

2. Purge your “friends” list. The likelihood that you actually remember much about that girl you went to basketball camp with seven years ago is slim at best. The headache you get from reading about the extreme political views or pointless arguments on social media is actually 100 percent preventable. Taking 10 minutes to go through your friends list can make a big difference in the amount of stress, anxiety and unhappiness you experience. Social media is a wonderful way to keep up with what is going on in a friend’s life, but when it starts to ruin the quality of yours, it may be time to take a step back.  

Photo by David Morefield, Houston, TX

3. Try a “mental cleanse” every day. This practice can take different forms for different people, but the importance of this concept is in taking some time out of the day for yourself in order to do something you enjoy. By allowing ourselves time to recharge, we also have a chance to ensure a higher level of motivation. At the end of the day, taking a moment to go for a walk, read a book for fun or listen to a soundtrack you’ve been wanting to hear can make a huge difference in the level of motivation we’re left with. Doing something that makes YOU happy will set the stage for all of your tomorrows. 

These are just three simple things to do that will undoubtedly leave you feeling springy and fresh. Spring cleaning does not always have to be dreadful and involve vacuuming blinds or flipping your mattress. Have a suggestion to add? Leave it in the comments below!