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3 Tips to Survive Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

With the ever-dreaded finals week quickly approaching, I thought now would be the perfect time to offer three of my favorite tips on how to maintain sanity while trying to balance the crazy demands of completing this semester. (We’re almost there; keep up the stellar work!)

Tip #1:

Get enough sleep each night.

source: https://ofinksandpapers.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/tumblr_inline_mqrrxu…

It sounds like such an accomplishment when one of your friends talks about the latest all-nighter she pulled, but I promise you, it really isn’t. We all desperately need sleep (especially when preparing for major exams, papers and projects) and the more late nights we have, the more messed up our sleep cycles become. Yes, everyone has those special circumstances, like when you find out that huge paper is actually due this week instead of next week. Late nights are bound to happen every once and awhile. However, we should all do our best not to make them unfortunate habits, which leads me to my next tip.

Tip #2:

Focus on the truly important stuff.

source: http://40.media.tumblr.com/21ad698ac2311fb22406b4b796c063a7/tumblr_n67m7…

Prioritization, time-management, it’s all the same. I often find myself torn between working on my Econ homework, hanging out with friends or going on a run. (I’m sure each of us has our own version of this tricky situation.) It is important to realize that all of these activities have a time and a place; therefore, we must not totally ignore one, while focusing on another too much. This means that while studying most likely takes precedence during this time of year, we must not deny ourselves the right to a study break every now and then, which brings me to my last tip.

Tip #3:

Give yourself some time off.

source: http://static.tumblr.com/a4yz1mj/97em8enkx/girl_reading_a_book_girl_rela…

Juggling school, work, friends and other extracurricular activities is exhausting, which is why we all need some time to rejuvenate. Whether that means going for a run, sleeping in one day, cooking your favorite meal or curling up with a good book, you should allow yourself time to unwind and relax. This is also a great time to hang out with friends if you feel like that is what most refreshes you. Maybe binge-watching Netflix is something to avoid (no judgment) when deciding activities for study breaks, but most definitely do something you find relaxing and refreshing before the next round of studying begins!

I hope these tips help you succeed this school year as much as they have helped me.

Stay golden, Ponyboy.