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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

Watch the first episode of our brand new series, Okay Listen!


Mackenna—a human corgi—and Gabrielle—a napkin addict—embark on an adventure of silliness, shenanigans, high-fiving and fun! In this episode, they introduce themselves, present the 10 freshmen you’ll meet in college and present their monthly faves!


To submit advice questions for next month, send your e-mails to okaylisten.hck@gmail.com Okay Listen! is a product of Her Campus Kenyon, Kenyon College’s chapter of Her Campus, the #1 global online community for college women!

Gabrielle is a hyperactive philosophy student at Kenyon College. She likes to get overly passionate about all things and apologizes if she's shouted at you. Especially if it was in french.
Mackenna is a senior who loves all things theatrical, a good cup of green tea, good music, good movies, and all the dogs. Oh, and would give up her humanity if given to opportunity to live as a baby bear.