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17 Faces of Bev Warren that Describe Every Aspect of your Life at Kent

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Often dubbed “BAEverly Warren” by the student body, it is safe to say that Beverly Warren is the ultimate Kent State celebrity and icon. The charismatic, and undeniably inspirational, president of our university has earned the respect and admiration of innumerable students and faculty during her short tenure at Kent State. So, who better to exemplify all of the quirks and trials that we experience on our campus; as well as in college in general, than Ms. KSU herself?

This one’s for you, Bev!

When someone asks if they can borrow your pencil for the class and doesn’t give it back after.

When you realize you have an exam in an hour that you forgot all about.

When that one person in the lecture hall won’t stop asking pointless questions.

When there’s no line at the food truck.

Watching the freshman and remembering how you used to be just as clueless.

When you’re the first person to make the cars stop in front of the crosswalk.

When you have to give a huge presentation on no sleep.

When someone talks about their 4.0.

When you start to question whether or not the traffic on Summit Street will ever move.

When you’re walking to class and you see someone on a scooter. Is it 2003?

When cars won’t stop for you to walk the crosswalk and you wonder if humanity has lost all compassion.

Trying to figure out where all of your money went (Probably to Chipotle, Tree City or Figleaf)

When you manage to pull off the A in your first 400-level course.

When your roommate won’t clean her dishes.

Every time a longboarder or biker narrowly misses you on the esplanade.

Trying to be peppy during sorority recruitment but you’ve never been more exhausted.

When your professor tells a bad joke but you need an A. 

So that’s basically Kent State in a nutshell. I think we can all agree that it wouldn’t be the same without Bev. 

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Elena Clark

Kent State

I am an ambitious, hardworking Honors Fashion Merchandising student with a minor in Public Relations at Kent State University. I am also a peer tutor at the Kent State Writing Commons and a member of Phi Mu Fraternity. I plan to pursue a career in Fashion Journalism once I graduate.
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.