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Sofia Espinosa, Kappa Alpha Theta President

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JHU chapter.

1. Name: Sofi Espinosa

2. Major, Year: Biomedical Engineering, Psychology minor 2017 

3. Hometown: Miami, Fl.

4. Affiliated with: Kappa Alpha Theta, Residential Life

5. You can probably find me… having some fun in the library or in the AMR II Res Life Office. 

6. The best thing about Hopkins is… the people I have met through Residential Life (including my residents) and Theta. Even on my worst days, they keep me going and inspire me every day to keep doing what I love. 

7. Something I’m especially proud of is… how far Theta has come since our recolonization at Hopkins. We have insanely motivated members who always see the potential for growth and progress and who have taken the steps necessary to make sure we have a strong foundation for the future women of our chapter. I am so proud to represent women that create change and truly live by Theta’s values. 

8. Something most people don’t know about me is… I went to an arts high school for dance, so half of my high school education was dance and performance based. :D

9. This year, I hope to… have a positive impact on everyone I interact with across campus. Being an RA has shown me how an interaction you can find so trivial can be incredibly significant to someone else. Why not make the most out of that and strive to have a meaningful influence on the community?

10. In five years, I will hopefully be… living in a beautiful city that I love and immersing myself in the world of medicine. 

11. Next up for me is… is recruitment!!! We are so excited to welcome new members into our Theta family and we are fast at work making sure we are ready for them! On a personal level, I would love to tap into my creative side and get back into dancing and choreographing while I’m home. 

12. What being part of a sorority means to me:  Coming to college, I never thought Greek life would be a part of my life at all. I was that girl that laughed at the idea of wearing letters everywhere and throwing up hand signs. Now that it’s become one of the largest parts of my college experience, I laugh ironically at that girl I was freshman fall. The value of being in a sorority is something I have always had difficulty explaining concisely, but to me, it revolves around opportunity – the opportunity to grow and become a leader; the opportunity to fail and still be supported and loved; the opportunity to meet other Thetas around the world and realize that you’re already better friends than most strangers; the opportunity to find a HΘME and find your best friends in your littles; and most significantly to me, being part of a sorority means having the opportunity to believe in something and someone whole-heartedly and striving to better yourself and empower others through its influence.  

13. My hopes and goals for the future of Kappa Alpha Theta include… When my big graduated from our chapter, she challenged each of our members to leave this organization better than it was when they joined it. In a similar way, I hope that one day, each member can look back and see the impact they’ve had on Theta and the impact Theta has had on them, but I also hope that we, as an organization, can leave our mark on the Hopkins campus and the city of Baltimore as well. 

Megan DiTrolio is a writing seminars major at Johns Hopkins University.