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Foods to Help Your Next Exam Score

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JHU chapter.

You’ve spent countless hours studying, attended review sessions, and at least attempted to get a good night’s sleep, but are you missing out on a lesser known way to improve your exam performance? Whether your test is first thing in the morning, or later in the evening, eating the proper foods before an exam can actually affect your alertness and ability to recount all that material you’ve been cramming the past few days. So put away those sugary donuts and that greasy bacon, and follow these steps to give your brain the fuel it needs to be at its best when you need it most.

When creating a brain-boosting pre-exam meal or snack, it is best to include both (1) a source of low-fat protein and (2) some sort of healthy carbohydrate. You want to make sure you are avoiding high sugar and high fat foods, such as candy, cookies, and soda, which can make you jittery, unfocused, and tired. Pick one or two from both groups to properly fuel your brain and body, and always make sure you’re pairing your food with the best brain-boosting beverage: water.  

(1)   Good sources of protein include eggs, nuts and peanut butter, yogurt, lean meat (like chicken or turkey), fish, and protein bars (preferably ones low in sugar).

(2)   Healthy carbs are those rich in whole grains such as whole wheat bread, cereal, or pasta, brown rice, or oatmeal. Other sources of healthy carbs come from fruits and vegetables, which are always a good choice.

These foods fill you up without weighing you down, so your focus will be on your exam and not on a grumbling stomach or the crash after a sugar rush. By eating smartly, you will be giving your mind the energy and endurance it needs to power through that long exam, all the while maximizing your chances for performing well.