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8 Ways to Love Yourself More

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JHU chapter.

College can be a really easy place to get caught up in the everyday obstacles and lose sight of the bigger picture. Whether it’s a broken heart, stress from too much work, or simply the weather getting you down, here are some easy ways to pick yourself back up and get out of your funk!

1.     Do something physical

Exercise releases endorphins, ladies. Anytime you’re feeling down, a quick trip to the gym can be an easy fix! Obviously, it is possible to overdo it, and exhaust yourself, but for the most part any kind of physical activity – anywhere from running 10 miles to a quick 15-minute yoga session – will get your blood pumping and help you refocus. And if you’re one of those people that hates when other people preach at you to go to the gym, then just go for a walk! Anything to get your limbs moving and your heart pumping.

2.     Go outside

It’s magical what the outdoors can do to you. Go for a hike, or a swim, or even just a walk around the block. There is so much to see, so much to admire, so much beauty in this world, that going outside really helps put everything in perspective. Also, fresh air is, wait for it, super refreshing!

3.     Make a list of things you’re thankful for

Every night before I go to bed, I think of three things I’m thankful for. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in bad days and difficulties at school, that taking a step back to look at the bigger picture is always nice. Also, this helps me to remember what’s important in life, like calling my mom, or spending the extra five minutes talking to my roommate about her day.

4.     Smile

It’s scientifically proven! Seriously. Do it right now – just smile. Don’t you feel better already? See, the way it works is that we see something that we like, or that amuses us, or really anything that makes us happy, and our brain’s automatic response is to smile! Most of the time, we don’t consciously decide to smile. So our brains associate the action of smiling with happiness, and you have the power to reverse the chain by having the smile come first, and then the happiness. How cool is that?!

5.     Take deep breaths

Especially when you’re overwhelmed. It’s amazing what a couple of deep breaths can do for your clarity of mind. EMT’s tell their patients to take deep breaths for the same reason that we (should) take deep breaths in stressful situations – it helps to relax your system and prevent the onset of shock. It is also helpful to imagine yourself releasing your tension and anxiety as you exhale, and inhaling only calm and inner peace.

6.     Look around

There is so much beauty in the world, and often times we completely overlook it! College campuses especially tend to be in particularly beautiful settings. Take a little time out of your day to slow your pace and just admire the beauty of the environment you find yourself in – you might notice things you’d never even noticed before!

7.     Try something new

Go outside your comfort zone! Go to a club meeting you’ve never been to before, try a Zumba class, talk to the kid in your Chem class that you think is cute, whatever it is, go for it! You’d be surprised at what switching up your daily routine can do for your happiness!

8.     Be willing to surrender

It is so tempting to try to control every little thing about your life as you try to navigate the trials and tribulations that are college. Some things, though, are beyond your control. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t try your hardest, but some things are simply out of your hands. It’s important to accept those things and not let them overcome you. As the late and great Maya Angelou once said, “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”