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5 Foods for Healthy Skin

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JHU chapter.

Due to cold, windy weather and late nights of studying, this time of year can be especially hard on our skin as college students. These factors can be compounded by the foods we eat, with sugary and processed foods leaving our skin dry and dull. While some extra sleep and exercise may do the trick, this isn’t always an option for Hopkins students. A more feasible alternative, which may promote both skin and overall health, is to fill your body with nutritious foods and, in particular, those that have been shown to promote the appearance and feel of skin. With consistent consumption of any combination of the following five foods, your skin may not only feel better, but look better too!

1)    Walnuts: Walnuts are packed full of healthy, omega-3 fats, which are not only essential for heart health, but can increase the smoothness and texture of skin. Add a handful to a salad or to your cereal at breakfast, or grab a handful for a skin-promoting on-the-go snack!

2)    Red, Orange, and Yellow Peppers:  It turns out the nutrients found in these pepper varieties are powerful wrinkle fighters. The carotenoids, which produce the vibrant colors associated with this vegetable, display sun-protective effects as well, so add a cup of these to your day to protect against damage and to promote smoothness.

3)    Kidney Beans: Interestingly, kidney beans contain a mineral that has been associated with blemish prevention – zinc. We all know that stress and lack of sleep can lead to breakouts, so try adding kidney beans or other foods that are high in zinc into your diet (like seafood!) to combat the any oil or bacteria that might be clogging your pores.

4)    Berries: Raspberries and blueberries, especially, are chockfull of powerful antioxidants that protect us from the effects of free radicals, which harm cells throughout our body, including those on the surface of our skin. By adding a serving to your morning breakfast, you can help fight against this damage and promote supple, wrinkle-free skin.

5)    Oats and Whole grains: Carbs are often our go-to foods as college students, especially when we’re stressed. While you don’t need to rid carbs from your diet to improve your skin, the type of carbs you choose can have an impact on the way you skin looks and the health of those cells. Whole grains like oats have proven to be anti-inflammatory and may reduce the redness and blotchiness many of experience. Other great, skin-calming whole grains include brown or wild rice and quinoa.

6)    Water: Of course, no skin-promoting recommendation can be made without the mention of water and the incredible impact it has on skin health and appearance. In combination with the above “healthy skin” foods, increasing your consumption of water may have drastic impacts on the clearness and glow of your skin.

Fortunately, these foods will not only promote the appearance of your skin, hair, and nails, but may also improve energy and make you feel better overall. So add these foods to your diet, aim to get a little more sleep, and drink (water) your way to healthy skin and body!

Alyssa is currently a junior at Johns Hopkins University majoring in public health. She is also a pre-med student, who hopes to pursue a career in primary care. She has been interested in nutrition and fitness for over 6 years and hopes to be able to use her passion and knowledge in these areas to help others live the happiest and healthiest lives possible. 
Megan DiTrolio is a writing seminars major at Johns Hopkins University.