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How to Power Through to the End of the Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

How to Power Through to the End of the Semester

So, we have hit that point, the end of the school year is near, but at the same time it feels so far away. There is so much to be done in these last few weeks and to say it is overwhelming is obviously an understatement. Whether it is exams, projects, busy work, internship opportunities, the list just keeps piling up. There is so much to do that it is almost easier to check out of this semester. But before you do, use these tips and tricks to help divert yourself in more productive ways.

1. Reward yourself when you get something done

Whether it is a piece of chocolate, an hour of TV, or something completely different, reward yourself when you cross an assignment off your list. Having something to look forward to is extremely useful and can help eliminate procrastination. Treat yourself and take the time to make a nice and nutritious dinner or go for a short hike with a friend to relieve stress.

2. Try to keep the procrastination to a minimum

Let’s face it; procrastination is inevitable around this time. That’s okay. Just try to limit your phone and TV usage to a minimum. If you don’t feel like doing work, try diverting yourself in more productive ways like cleaning off your desk, doing the laundry, or cleaning those pesky dishes that are piled up in the sink.

3. Look forward to the summer (but not too much yet!)

We all have the countdown in our heads but try not to peace out quite yet. Dreaming about beach plans or looking up vacation itinerary may be more entertaining, but eventually it will just make you frustrated and angry about the work that you haven’t done. Get excited that you have something to look forward to, but also try to finish as strong as you possibly can.

4. Get out and do something

I know that when I get overwhelmed, it always seems easier to say no to things. But truthfully, I work better when I’m busier. If your friends ask you to go to the movies, don’t immediately shoot the idea down. Maybe this is the perfect thing to use as motivation to knock off a few assignments before seeing the show. After all, try to enjoy the last few weeks of the semester.

Above all, take one day at a time and remember to breathe. Finals chaos will pass eventually and when it does you’ll finish strong!

PC: Abbey


Abbey is a student at Philadelphia University where she is studying graphic design. In her free time, she loves to be at the beach, travel to new places (especially in Philly), and play board games with friends.