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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.

Another semester comes to a close as this week marks the end of final exams. Throughout the week, students flocked to the library to cram in a few more hours of studying for their last tests of the school year, and sought a second set of eyes to read their final papers. The campus writing center (WC) was open the first half of the week to assist students of all majors in their last-minute essays. The JCU Writing Center serves as a valuable resource to everyone throughout the year. After incorporating a new online appointment request system and adding two raffles per year for finals, they have been busier than ever! Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of this awesome campus feature:

  • Print out your assignment before your appointment. This will make it easier for you to mark up any changes and jot down ideas during your consultation.
  • If you’re a frequent visitor, request someone. Maybe you are the productive student who often stops by the WC to get some advice on your writing. If you know who you work with best, ask about their work schedule and request an appointment with that person you vibe with the most.
  • Remember your assignment sheet. Always, always, always come to your appointment prepared. If you do not have instructions on the assignment provided by your professor, make sure you are able to thoroughly explain what is expected from the class—help the consultants help you.
  • Schedule an appointment in advance. While the beginning of the semester allows for plenty of walk-ins, the WC tends to get pretty hectic during midterms and finals. To ensure a time slot, you can walk in to make an appointment, call, email, or fill out the Google request form. Remember to be on time or send notice if you have to cancel.


  • Check out the after-hours for quick inquiries or a full consultation. Believe it or not, the WC offers after-hours in the library on Wednesday and Sunday evenings from 7-9. You don’t need to schedule appointment at this time, just walk on in and a consultant will be happy to help you with a quick question or a full consultation.


  • Come in during any time in the writing process. Whether you need help brainstorming an outline or general feedback on your final draft, the WC can help you with anything. Consultants take a semester-long class to train to work there, so they can definitely help you no matter where you are at with your paper. 
  • Visit the WC for any class assignment. Business reports, lab reports, essays, resumes, cover letters, etc. The staff there has seen it all and they are more than prepared for any format. Excellent written communication skills are a key value that every student should learn, and the WC consultants are there to help you develop those skills. Why not get some tips to help you excel?
  • Know what you need. At the beginning of your consultation, the person whom you are working with will ask you what it is exactly you need help with. Come in prepared by having a list of things you would like to focus on the most. If your paper is longer than 5-6 pages, it helps to know what you want to focus on, be it grammar or citations. *Quick tip: for longer papers you can request an hour appointment, even though average appointments are 30 minutes.
  • Be nice. This should go without saying, but the students who are helping you out in the WC deserve your kindness and respect. They know it can be stressful when you’re finishing up an assignment the day it is due or the day before, and they are happy to assist you as much as they can. In return, be kind and patient as a courtesy to those who are helping you. They are trained to help produce better writers, not just better writing. Remember to listen and don’t expect them to simply edit your paper for you.