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No Month Like November

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jax State chapter.

For most people the month of November is only known for Thanksgiving, and yes I know that it is January. But what some people may not know is that November is also national adoption month. My sister and I were both adopted to Susan and Kevin Lather. Being adopted has come with its ups and downs throughout my life. I remember kindergarten is when I really realized what adoption was. I was eating lunch at school and my mom came. We were sitting there eating and a girl across the table looked at my mom and said “You’re not her REAL mom.” I just looked at my mom confused because as far as I knew the women looking right back at me was my mom. After that day my mom started taking my sister and I to an adoption group with the Alabama Post Adoption Connection. From going to this I got to see other families that looked like mine. I got to meet other kids who go through some of the things I go through.

Growing up I always got questions and looks because my family didn’t look “normal”. My sister and I both have tan skin and black hair and my parents are white. Not the average looking family. But it was our family. Questions I have gotten range from “So did your parents like pick you out of litter like a dog or something?”, “Why are your parents white?” And “Why didn’t your parents want you?” My mom was even asked “How will you communicate with her since she’ll speak Spanish?” These are just some of the questions I have had to answer. Some of these questions will stay with me forever because they’re so ignorant. There are some things I have had to stop or start doing because of the way my family looks. When I would be out with friends who were white and with either my mom or dad, I would have to vocalize loudly “Hey Mom” or “Hey Dad” so the people around me knew that they were MY parents. I think more people need to realize that families all look different and come in so many different ways and to think twice before looking at a family that may not look the same. My mom has a sign hanging in our kitchen that quotes “Not flesh of my flesh nor bone of my Bone, but still miraculously my own. Never forget that you didn’t grow under my heart but in it.” I always remember this because this is my family. Families aren’t just made because they are biologically from the parents it’s the love they all have for each other that makes a family. For most people this month is only known for Thanksgiving but to me this month means so much more for me and so many other families. Adoption has impacted literally every part of my life and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Lastly, I want to say thank you to my REAL parents for giving me the best life you possibly could, for always being there and loving me endlessly.  

Hannah Knight

Jax State '18

Georgia Native. Panhellenic President. Communications Major.