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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jax State chapter.

My community is extremely important to me. It helped me to become the person I am today, and gave me the most incredible childhood. It is very important to me to give back to my community, and here are a few simple ways to:

  1. Visit the Local Nursing Home

The elderly people love spending time with the youth! Stop by and just have a chat over a cup of coffee, or play a card game with them. It will impact them so much and bring joy to them when they may not have much.

  1. Donate to the Animal Shelter

Animal shelters are rapidly over populated and simply do not have the funds to care for all the animals they help. Go spend a couple of dollars on some dog or cat food, treats, or toys! It would also be a tremendous help to simply visit the shelter and show the animals love and attention, and maybe volunteer to help clean cages, take them on walks, or give baths!

  1. Donate Clothes

Most of us have closets full of items we never wear or even get out of our closet! Clean out your closets, dresser drawers, and shoe racks and donate what does not fit or you simply don’t wear! Many of us take for granted the clothes on our backs, and this will help give someone something they do not have the luxury of having.

  1. Clean Up

The amount of trash thrown on the side of the road is endless! Grab a friend and a trash bag and clean up your neighborhood!

  1. Be a Mentor

Go by your old elementary school or middle school and be a mentor to a young child who needs someone to look up to. Help children in after school care with homework, or simply help some read in the library!

The influences these make may seem small, but to one person they could mean the world. Take a little time out of your day to help your community and others.

Hannah Knight

Jax State '18

Georgia Native. Panhellenic President. Communications Major.