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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

In the wake of the Rolling Stone fiasco, more and more women have begun to question the validity of rape claims. Ann Coulter, conservative social and political commentator, even went so far as to claim that, there is no campus rape problem” and that the brave women reporting these incidences are simply, “girls trying to get attentiondespite the statistic that only 4-6% of rape allegations are falsified. Meanwhile, the FBI have elected to recognize that not all assaults take place forcibly—allowing that drugs, alcohol, or other mental handicaps may often prevent the victim from giving consent or even realizing what is occurring. Originally, rape has been defined as “carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will.” The revised definition of, “penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim” finally concedes the occurrences of intimate partner assault as well as the rape of males. While these circumstances often induce confusion, it is vital to note that this definition better lends itself to clarity so that, unlike Lady Gaga, it does not take a victim 5 years to become a survivor. Given that these situations have been present for eons, it is incredibly important to note that, while there is still work to do, our demands are being recognized and progress has been made. 


Victoria Stone is a Freshman at IUP majoring in middle level education with a specialty in social studies. When she is not studying or eating, she enjoys spending her time outdoors, doing yoga, or attempting the impossible crafts on Pinterest. This year, her New Year's resolution is to run a 5K.