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How to Live Abroad like a Pro

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Are you planning to live abroad anytime soon? If the answer is yes, than below are a few tips to make sure your experience is everything you want it to be and more. Even if you’re not currently planning a trip abroad, read below anyway. You never know: One day maybe you will end up abroad!

Learn the Language

This should be pretty self explainatory but in case it’s not, I’ll explain it anyway. There’s almost nothing more than or equally as important as learning the language. How else do you plan on living in a foreign land somewhere. No one’s saying you have to speak it as though it’s your native tongue, but you should at least know the basics. How to say hello and/or goodbye, order food, or ask for help is going to be extremely helpful in making your time abroad as stress-free as possible. And there’s plenty of resources out there to help you along the way.

(Sidenote: As great as the language books are though, try to learn the language enough to not have to depend 24/7 on the book. It just looks weird if you’ve got a language book attached to your face at all times.)

Climate Control

What do you know about the weather of the place you are going to live? If the answer is nothing, you might want to consider changing that. Knowing the weather of where you are going is extremely important. How else do you know what to pack? No one wants to go somewhere just to find out they don’t have anything weather-appropriate to wear. And unless you happen to be a billionaire, most of us cannot afford to have to stock up on a whole new wardrobe once we’ve arrived at our destination. It’s expensive just to get abroad.

Know what you’ll need, and pack accordingly.

Study the Town/City/Place etc.

KNOW YOUR STUFF!! Besides just the language and the weather, it’s probably a good idea to learn about your destination in other ways as well. What’s the history? What’s the culture? What do the people like to do there? Immerse yourself as fully as possible in the culture to get the most out of your experience abroad.

Below is a list of 12 more tips that should help you out when living abroad, according to On Ur Way travel (http://onurwaytravel.com/survival-tips-for-living-abroad/)

1. Lower your expectations

2. Give it time

3. Let it all out

4. Get out there and explore

5. Have a routine

6. Make the space your own

7. Travel, travel, travel

8. Stay connected

9. Learn the language

10. Treat yourself

11. Make new friends

12. Remember why you came


So when you decide on your destination keep these tips in mind to help you settle in like a pro and feel right at home. Good Luck and have fun!