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How to Cure that IUPatty’s Hangover

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

IUPatty’s is arguably the most fun time of the year for most students. Interestingly enough, St. Patrick’s Day for most students seems to last more than just a day and here at IUP it lasts more than a full weekend, many indulging into Thursday and Wednesday night celebrations. So, your Sunday morning hangover is going to be quite the headache.

The first thing you are going to want to do when you wake up the next day is to drink a glass of water. Yes, keep your Gatorade and Pedialyte handy but first, H2O. The recommended amount of water the average person should drink is 8 glasses of 8 oz. a day. Your body is already hurting from a long day of alcohol consumption and since alcohol is a diuretic, chances are you are dehydrated.

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Also, take care of yourself the day before. Put out your favorite drunk foods for your drunk self to stumble home and find and eat. Place a glass of water next to it also.

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If you are suffering from a major headache, take an anti-inflammatory pain reliever such as ibuprofen (Fowler). It is recommended that you do not take acetaminophen such as Tylenol. While it may ease your pain, it can be extremely hard on your liver, combined with alcohol, this can be a very dangerous combination (Fowler).

This probably goes without saying, but throw away or hide for later anything green that you have, after three days or more of seeing it, you’re not going to want to look at another shamrock for a long time.

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DO NOT go out for Sunday funday, your Monday self will thank you. Though typically a little “hair of the dog” in the form of a Bloody Mary may do you well normally, it is still Patty’s weekend. You do not want one drink to turn into two which turns into ten. You have already been hitting it hard for two days and three nights, no need to turn it into four nights and three days. That Monday 9am you have already isn’t fun, no need to make it worse.

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However you celebrate that weekend, have fun and have a plan to be safe while having fun. Happy IUPatty’s weekend!

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Fowler, Paige. “6 Tips to Beat a Hangover.” WebMd. https://www.webmd.com/balance/features/hangover-helpers#2

Cats and Caffeine are key.