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Here’s Which “American Horror Story: Cult” Character You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

This season of American Horror Story is filled with some interesting characters. From the cunning cult leader Kai to the easily frightened Ally, this season has enough personalities to fit every sign of the zodiac. Here’s which “AHS: Cult” character you are based on your zodiac sign:


Aries: Beverly Hope

You and Beverly Hope are both headstrong, impulsive and stubborn. You love to be in charge and demand respect. Don’t let your anger get the best of you, though. It may get you into some trouble.


Taurus:  Gary Longstreet

You are independent, dedicated and know what you want in your life. However, don’t let your stubbornness get the best of you. Some things should just be left alone.


Gemini: Kai Anderson

Charming, intelligent and manipulative, you and Kai both have the gift of gab. Your charisma draws people in and makes you a natural born leader. Just make sure to use this talent for good instead of evil.


Cancer: Ally Mayfair-Richards

Like Ally, you are family-oriented, sensitive and caring to a fault. If anyone threatens the ones you love, you aren’t afraid of a little revenge either. 


Leo: Serena Belinda

Leos are hard to resist, and Serena proves that. She uses her confidence, seduction and charm to get to the top. Just be careful not to be inconsiderate, Leo. Everything doesn’t revolve around you.


Virgo: Detective Jack Samuels 

Detective Samuels is stoic, methodical, and private. Much like a Virgo, he hates when people see him sweat. No one is perfect, Virgo. Put away that facade and loosen up a little.


Libra: Harrison Wilton

You are sociable, calm and balanced. However, you can be easily influenced and a bit of a pushover. Remember it’s alright to say “no” sometimes. You can’t always keep everyone happy.


Scorpio: Ivy Mayfair-Richards

Just like you, Ivy is intense, passionate and secretive. However, this secrecy can be a little problematic. Let people in sometimes, Scorpio. Don’t let negative feelings build up until it’s too late.


Sagittarius: Valerie Solanas

Sure, Valerie Solanas isn’t really a character. She was a real, radical feminist that AHS portrayed in one of its episodes. But if anyone embodies the free, blunt, philosophical attitude of a Sagittarius, it’s her. Just don’t get too lost in your own head, Sagittarius. It can be dangerous.


Capricorn: Dr. Rudy Vincent

Dr. Vincent is career-oriented, rational and oddly lacks empathy for a therapist. He doesn’t buy into Ally’s seemingly crazy claims, which turn out to be true after all. Be mindful of this, Capricorn. You can be a bit overly practical at times.


Aquarius: Winter Anderson

You have a passion for humanity and actively work for change. Just like Winter, you have strong opinions that you aren’t afraid to share. Just try not to not become too idealistic. The world isn’t a perfect place.


Pisces: Meadow Wilton

You and Meadow are both empathetic, dreamy and selfless. When you love someone, nothing is too great of a sacrifice. Be careful, though. Don’t sacrifice too much for those who don’t deserve it.