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Feelings We All Have During Syllabus Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Syllabus week is arguably one of the best weeks of the semester. The thrill of being back on campus after a long break and reuniting with your besties gives you unprecedented energy and motivation. Your professors haven’t had a chance to bury you in work and your GPA is still exactly how you left it. It is a time of joy and comfort, however short lived it may be. Basically, syllabus week feels a little bit like this:


1. Being so excited to be back on campus after so long that you’re actually pumped to go to class.


2. Gotta dress up for the first day, right? Heck, you might not even wear sweatpants this week. You’ve got it together.


3. When you see your best friend in one of your classes

4. When you see a major cutie in one of your classes

5. When that one professor makes you actually do work on the first day…

6. …and then assigns homework.

7. Living it up on the weekend because you have the least amount work you’ll ever have for the next few months.

Welcome back IUP! Enjoy your semester!



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Hey, lovelies! My name is Alyssa and I'm an English major at IUP's Cook Honors College! My interests include reading, writing (duh!), art of all kinds, and music. If it's your style, feel free to follow me on Instagram and/or Twitter! @at_the_h3lm