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The Biggest Storm of the Century: Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Warning! A Storm is taking over Universities. 

It appears that all schools across the country are experiencing bad weather. Rain, snow, sleet, and a large amount of papers due. It showed up a week ago when a few schools were in their last week of classes. Papers, coffee pots, and schedules were scattered around the campus. Students suffering of sleep deprivation, stress eatting, and anxiety are now sitting on beaches or working for the summer. Meteorologists are baffled, but researchers say that it will pass in a week or so. Graduate students have also suffered from this unknown disaster.

Stay out of the storm, until the schools finish their finals. If you have to participate in any of the universities finals, enter at your own risk.


Hi, I am Katherine. I am a student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I am a member of the IUP English Equestrian team, Sigma Tau Delta, and a Writer for IUP's HER Campus. I love to read, (books of all genres) write, knit, and travel (I visited England this summer). I am also a British Royal Family Fan. My top music favorites are Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Grace Potter, and Fleetwood Mac. My guilty pleasure is late night HPTV. Please check out my personal blogs-http://hiddeninthemargins.blogspot.com/ and http://wanderlustbound14.blogspot.com/