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Being the Shy One

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

1. Everyone thinks you’re snotty or rude

Okay, so just because I do not talk as much as you, doesn’t mean I am silently judging you or that I hate you, or anything like that. Maybe I am just a listener, not a talker.

2. Class participation

The worst grading system for shy people. “Class participation is worth 15% of your final grade”, worst statement. Ever. Right off the bat you know you’re going to have to get an A on everything else to make up for that loss of 15%.

3. Presentations

Can you say anxiety? Hands are shaking, voice is shaking, it’s all going downhill so fast. OH, and everyone is staring at you? No thanks.

4. Parties

Parties plus being shy do not mix well. Standing there awkwardly for an hour wishing you were home and in bed, or maybe at one of your own three people parties.

5. Getting introduced to new people

If first impressions are as important as people make it out to be, I’m in trouble. Hi, this is my name. What’s yours? * end of conversation * * stands there awkwardly *

6. Trying to meet new people

Well, sometimes you just have to find someone as shy as you so you can be awkwardly shy together.

7. Getting an order wrong

Ordering the food is awful. When you get the wrong thing makes it 100 times worse. Oh, you can just tell them that they messed up and that you should get what you want. Right??? Uh, no. I’ll just eat this burger instead of a salad, it’s fine. 

Hopefully, someone will relate to this and hopfully I am not the only one. Just because someone is shy does not mean they are bad person, so stop treating them like you are better than them becaucse you can open your mouth and say what you want at any time. There are many different types of people in this world and I feel like everyone falls within either the introvert or extrovert category. 

Indiana University of Pennsylvania Journalism/ Public Relations/ Religious Studies Caffeine and music enthusiast ΔΦΕ