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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

It is almost inevitable that in life we will all be engaged in a failed relationship. Sometimes it ends because we want it to, others because it simply was never meant to be. No matter what the reason though, there are a few ways you should never go about a break-up. But if you want to have a bad break up, Her Campus IUP is here to give you a list of how to do it. 

You’re Being Too Passive

Often times when people realize their relationship is becoming stagnant, they simply do nothing about it. They will allow their partner to do and say what they want and ultimately allow that person to control exactly what happens in the relationship. Going about a break-up this way is never a good idea. This will cause that relationship you want to end, to actually drag out. You have to speak up for yourself and do what is best for you. Staying in a relationship and allowing another person to control you will never work out in your favor. Just stand up and tell them what exactly is in your heart.

You’re Being Too Aggressive

Okay, we understand that break-ups are never easy. We get the fact that they can stress you out ten times more than final exams and waiting for your grades to come in. You are definitely NOT alone if that is how you feel, but you cannot take your anger out on your partner. Being too aggressive in a break-up is almost as bad as being too passive. If you want to end a relationship, simply tell your partner that is what you want to do. Do NOT be a witch about it. This method of break-ups will just add more stress to the life of you and your soon-to-be-ex. Tone it down, it will be over soon.




Have you ever seen those couples who seem perfectly happy one week and then you don’t see them together again the next? That is definitely a common sight at IUP and that is unfortunate. Granted we cannot be too sure about the reasoning behind all of the botched affairs, but one thing we do know is that avoidance will never be the answer. Avoiding the relationship and acting as if it never happened isn’t fooling anyone. All this method will do is have you crying alone in your room at night because no one “knows” that you are upset about your relationship. You cannot cut your partner out of your life all of a sudden. Do NOT stop taking their calls; TALK to them about how you feel.

Lose the Technology

The 21st Century has really been the best time for technology nerds to stand tall. We see it everyday; people hiding behind their Facebook statuses and tweets rather than telling you something up front. When ending a relationship, you should have enough respect for the other party to at LEAST confront them face-to-face. Can you imagine receiving a break-up Facebook message from your boyfriend of 3 years? Talk about disrespect! This generation needs to learn to be more up front about what they want. If you want relationship to end, meet your partner in person and tell them exactly what you need to say. Trust us; you will feel so much better about this decision because you’ll know exactly how they feel immediately.

Tell Your Friends to Beat It

Ever since the beginning of time (according to my calculations), people have used their friends to talk to the guy or girl they’ve had their eyes on. However, is using your friend to END the relationship just as acceptable? Absolutely NOT. It’s really not cute past the 9th grade to have your friend approach a possible significant other for you in the first place, but for them to end a relationship for you will cause nothing but drama for all parties involved. Look at it this way; if your friend was not an acting party of this relationship, they should not be an acting party in this break-up. Your friend will never know all of the details of what we wrong between the two of you, as their view will be completely one-sided. Also, asking your friends to end your relationship for you runs the risk of them becoming closer to your soon-to-be ex. You don’t want that to happen right? Good, so avoid the friend route all together.


When all is said and done, no matter how you go about ending your relationship just make sure you are happy. Do not let others dictate your feelings about anything and you will be fine.