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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.


Your college years are the years that lead you into your twenties. They are a time to have fun and create the positive long term habits that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

1. Drink more water. As I am sure you have been told before, drinking water is the single best thing you can do for your body. Water does amazing things for your skin. If you find yourself waking up in the morning with dark bags under your eyes, drinking several bottles of water for a couple of weeks in a row is all you need to see the darkness lighten and the puffiness recede. Drinking a glass of water first thing when you wake up in the morning can help you feel more alive than a cup of coffee. Drinking a glass of water about a half hour before lunch or dinner can help you eat smaller portions if you are working toward a healthier lifestyle.



2. Learn good money habits. Start saving money where you can whether it be a jar of change you keep on your desk or ten dollars with each paycheck you earn. Save and don’t touch that money. Learn how your savings and checking accounts work so you can utilize their features in the best way possible. Have someone teach you how to do your taxes. Become self sufficient in that way.


3. Start and maintain some sort of exercise routine. Find a workout or exercise to you don’t hate and actually truly enjoy whether that be Zumba, rollerblading, tennis, or long brisk walks. Once you’ve found it set a goal for how often you will complete the activity and work toward it. Start small if you’re new to exercising and work up to your goal.



4. Begin determining what it is that is important to you. Define your values and as you do, act on them. While you’re in college, you have the ability to form opinions and decide what you believe in free of the influence of your family and the friends you have been around for all of your life. Try new things and go to new places all the while taking it all in and deciding what you find important, what you love, and what you hate.

I'm currently a sophomore at IUP studying in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Someday I hope to be a history and ESL teacher. I like to spend my spare time watching movies and baking cookies.