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Why It’s Okay to Call Your Mom Every Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IU chapter.

When I was a sophomore, one of my professors asked the class the following question: How many of you still call your parents every day? 

I raised my hand and immeadiatley looked around. Only a handful of students out of a huge lecture hall were raising their hands. Everybody else, including the professor, was snickering and smirking. I was totally embarassed. But what did I go home and instantly do? I called my mom and recounted the entire experience.

But why was I embarassed? I have a great relationship with my mother. She’s a life-coach, a comedian, and a best friend all rolled up into one. Why should I be embarassed to call someone every day that I truly enjoy talking to? It took me a little while to realize it, but I shouldn’t have been ashamed at all. 

I mean, look at how cute she is.

Many adults I talk to tell me the same thing. A lot of them say that they still call their mothers every day, even in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. They tell me life is too short to not talk to the people you want to talk to. Your mother is there for you ever since you are born– it makes no sense to suddenly cease all contact with her when you go away to college? 

When I tell people that I call my mom all of the time, they look at me like I’m some sort of child. I can almost read their minds: “Surely she can’t be a proficient adult if she’s calling her mommy everytime something goes wrong.”

I used to make my excuses for myself. I would say something like “I talk to my mom every day, but it’s more for her than it is for me,” or “I talk to her every day, but its never for more than five minutes.” But why was I making excuses for these people? They have no impact upon my relationship with my mother. I call her every day because I want to, I thorougly enjoy it. I love her and that should be reason enough! Besides, it’s honestly none of their damn business anyway! 

I wish I could go back to that first class and raise my hand with the upmost pride. 

So yes. I still call my mom every day. It can be for five minutes while I’m walking to class or a thirty-minute phone call when I need to vent about my day, but I make a point to do to it, because she’s awesome. Moms are awesome. Mine calms me down when I’m stressed, makes me laugh, and gives me advice, and I woudn’t have it any other way.