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Why Bigger Isn’t Always Better Pt. 2

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IU chapter.

Let me preface this article with some background information. I spent a majority of my adolescent life miserable over the overwhelming size of my chest. My boobs were heavy, humiliating, and a fixture of attention that I didn’t want. For my common reader this may seem hard to believe, but they defined me even more so than my brain. So a little over a year ago, I wrote about my decision to get breast reduction surgery.

It’s been nine months since my procedure and I can’t help but smile whenever I look down at my smaller, proportionate chest. But still so many people don’t understand why women want to get breast reduction surgery. They say, “What’s wrong with having big boobs?” “Why go through all the pain?” “What about the scars?” Some of my guy friends even have the gall to claim it is like “slapping God in the face,” as if God forgot to slip in an extra commandment forbidding breast reduction.

From one former, big-breasted girl to prospective breast reduction candidates, concerned parents, as yet unenlightened men, and anyone else questioning the motivations behind breast reduction surgery, I’ll answer all of these questions to curb the skepticism.

What’s wrong with having big boobs?

If you’ve never had big boobs, you simply cannot understand. Imagine having two giant watermelons strapped to your chest at all times. Imagine running on the treadmill like that. Imagine having good posture. Imagine carrying a backpack. Imagine wearing a tank top. Imagine trying on clothes, bras, and bathing suits. This is what life looks like. We are weighed down (literally and figuratively) by the enormity of our breasts.

“Breast reductions are one of the most rewarding cosmetic surgery procedures,” according to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, because it alleviates the constant physical and emotional burdens that come with an especially large chest. Since my surgery, it’s like I’ve been reincarnated with the boobs I was actually meant to have. I have this renewed sense of freedom and self-confidence, as if I’m seeing the world through a completely different set of eyes.

The perks are endless; like actually looking forward to going shopping, working out with ease, and buying new bras and shirts that would’ve never fit before. I even lost eight pounds, four from each boob– seriously, I am not kidding. I’m no longer hiding under baggy sweaters, crying in dressing rooms, and wearing bras big enough to cover my entire face. I’m no longer worried about what people are staring at, plagued by perpetual back pain, and objectified because of the way that I look.

Why go through all the pain of surgery?

Breast reduction surgery isn’t as intimidating as it may seem. I mean, I didn’t enjoy the recovery per se, but I definitely expected the process to be a lot worse than it was. I laid in bed for a few days unable to move my arms because of the pressure it would put on my chest. It was difficult to get dressed, go to the bathroom, put my hair up, but I wasn’t completely immobile. I was able to go up and down the stairs, eat at the kitchen table, walk around; after two days, I was surprised at how quickly I started to feel better.

I was wrapped up in a surgical garment/sports bra-device so that my incisions would heal and stay put. I wasn’t allowed to take this off or shower for four days until my check-up appointment. This was probably the worst part because it was super uncomfortable, itchy, and tight around my chest.

I returned to normal everyday activity after about two weeks. The bruising continuously went down over time but my chest remained sore and swollen for almost two months. It was nothing unbearable, I just had to be careful. Obviously, I couldn’t do anything crazy like workout or sleep on my stomach yet, but I was fully able to function. By the end of summer, I felt 100%.

Honestly, the emotional toll my chest played over the years was way worse than the entire recovery.

What about the scars?

Yup, I have scars, and they aren’t pretty. But if you really want breast reduction surgery, then the scars are worth it. My mom had a really hard time with this. She didn’t want her daughter being permanently marked for the rest of her life. She was worried that the scars were always going to going to upset and bother me. I guess that’s just a natural maternal instinct.

But it couldn’t be more of the opposite. I’m constantly reassuring my mom that my scars don’t faze me. I wouldn’t care if my scars stayed pink forever because I’d still have a smaller chest and that is all that would matter to me.

Think about it this way– your breasts will never go away, but scars fade over time. So you have to pick and choose your battles. You either have one, or you have the other.

It’s also important to understand how easy it is to hide breast reduction scars under bras and clothes. As opposed to surgery elsewhere on the body, it’s not like breast reduction scars are on constant display for everyone to see. No one is seeing them besides you.

There are also treatments to improve the texture and color of breast reduction scars. Women can receive steroid injections to help flatten out the appearance along the incision line. Doctors also recommend laser for lighter-skinned patients because their scars tend to be redder and heal slower than others.

Why YOU should consider breast reduction surgery

Breast reduction surgery proved to be the best decision I ever made. It’s given me a totally new lease on life. So if you’re someone who longs to wear bras meant for someone your own age, consider it. If you yearn to one day look in the mirror and actually like what you see, go visit a plastic surgeon. If you wish to live the life you always dreamed of living, stop dreaming and make it a reality. If you relate to anything I’ve mentioned about the struggles of having a big chest, then I highly recommend looking into breast reduction surgery. There’s no harm in a little self-improvement, especially if the end result is your happiness.

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