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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ithaca chapter.

Pink populated many NFL football fields last month as players honored Breast Cancer Awareness. The NFL prides itself in its enthusiastic participation of this cause, as it should. However, purple is also significant in October, symbolizing domestic violence. Unlike pink, this color finds more controversy with NFL. While players do not wear purple, many have been found guilty of what the color represents.

New York Giants kicker, Josh Brown, is the most recent perpetrator of domestic violence in the NFL. According to the Huffington Post, Brown was banned from playing in one game this past Wednesday due to a domestic violence report. In May 2015, he committed assault against his wife, filed as fourth degree domestic violence. Huffington Post also notes Brown has committed multiple offenses, some while his wife was carrying their child. The recent media coverage renews focus to this issue, prevalent among NFL players. USA Today claims that accumulative reports since 2006 indicate 50 domestic violence cases involving NFL players have been addressed by the law, but many cases receive little consequence. The NFL serves as a buffer between players and the intended costs of their actions. While they project overt support for Breast Cancer, the NFL maintains an ambiguous role in these pressing issues. Both Breast Cancer and Domestic Violence Awareness promote humanity’s wellbeing, and their campaigns aim to further support for these needs. The NFL’s actions stray from this shared mission by brushing assaults under the rug and providing little consequence for them. Although players publicize pink on the fields, the NFL tolerates the continued need for the purple ribbon by their failure to properly address players’ role in domestic violence.  
