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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ithaca chapter.
Now that you have successfully sent out all of those resumes and hopefully gotten a few calls, it’s time to prepare for one of the most important steps to landing your internship: the interview. It can be somewhat intimidating to know that you’re being evaluated on everything from body language to how well you can hide profusely sweating from anxiety. Here is my personal list of tips and tricks that have gotten me through one too many interviews:

1. Don’t think of it as an interview 

Yes, I realize this sounds counter-intuitive, but a lot of us get anxious at the idea of an interview. What I usually do, is think about it as a formal conversation. By doing that, I do not second guess myself in what I’m saying, and it allows me to let the conversation flow. At the same time, by convincing myself it’s formal, I remind myself not to talk to the person interviewing me as if they were my roommate (then again, I can’t talk to anyone in the way I speak to my roommate). 

2. Research about the company 

I’m sure you did this when you were looking to apply for the job, but dig a little deeper. Has the company been in the news lately? What are its most recent projects? Knowing these little details and threading them into your interview will show interest and diligence. 

3. Dress to Impress 

I’m a strong believer that if you dress for the job you want and the person you want to be, you can get that job and be that strong and successful human. Not to put all eggs in the basket of appearances, but unfortunately, the way we look affects the way others perceive us, and the way we perceive ourselves. That being said, you should also keep in mind where you’re interviewing. If you land an interview at Google  (go you!), you could probably show up in jeans and a t-shirt, but if you get the opportunity to be called back for Vogue, you’ll probably want to dress professionally fashionable. 

4. Ask questions 

This interview is not only a chance for the company to get to know you, but a chance for you to get to know the company. Get those concerns and curiosities you couldn’t Google out of the way by asking your interviewer. It’ll make your interview more memorable to the interviewer as well as show your interest in the company. 

5. Remember that non-verbal communication is important too 

Don’t slouch! Or cross your arms! The subtly of body language could make or break your interview. Get a good night’s sleep beforehand so you don’t yawn mid-question, or worse, mid-answer.  Shoulders tall, back straight, and smile! Let your confidence radiate by the way you hold yourself. 
I hope these tips help a little with the nerves that interviews cause. Remember, the first impression happen within seconds, so walk into that room like you own it. Confidence is key, cockiness is not.  
Ithaca College 2018 • Journalism • International PoliticsI am from the Colombia and the Dominican Republic, have a love for monograms and monochromes. Black is my essence but greys are ok too. http://www.thepucsh.com