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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ithaca chapter.

In 2015, Paula Hawkins’ suspense-ridden novel, The Girl on The Train became an overnight bestseller with the faces of book lovers concealed within its pages. Earlier this month, the internationally beloved thriller received the silver screen treatment with Tate Taylor in the director’s seat. The suspense and mystery aren’t lost in translation in this thriller, where appearances can be deceiving, and anyone could potentially be a suspect in the disappearance of a young woman within Westchester County suburbia.

In adapting the story from paper to screen, the film’s script relocated the story from London to the suburbs of New York City. Despite this significant change, the film remains faithful to the original story. As it takes place in New York, this film emphasizes the universal appeal of this narrative because it could be located anywhere and wouldn’t lose its rich, dense and braided storytelling that initially made the book a gripping character study.  

The Girl on the Train  is a refreshing addition to the thriller genre and contains all the ingredients to keep you in suspense until the identity of the culprit is revealed.

If you want a juicy thriller to sink your teeth into, I’d suggest viewing this film while it is still in theaters: you’re not going to want to miss out on this special cinematic experience. Check out the trailer here.

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