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Workouts to Get Your Summer Body Ready

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Summer is approaching faster than you think! It’s that time of year where most women are starting to be more conscious of how they look. Thinking about having to wear a swim suit in a couple months will do that to a girl. Working out now becomes a higher priority than it was in the winter. So, I thought it would be helpful to share a few workouts to add into your exercise routine to help you get into shape for summer. 

 Russian Twist with Weight 

1. Sit down on an exercise mat. Pick up an exercise ball. I recommend a 10-pound exercise ball.

2. Cross your ankles and lift them up. Make sure you bend your knees a little. Lean back just slightly to keep your balance. 

3. Move the ball from your left side to your right side, then back to your left. 

4. Continue to repeat the previous step until you’ve reached 20 repetitions. 

Forearm Plank 

1. Lie face down with your forearms on an exercise mat. Your elbows should be bent directly beneath your shoulders. Make fists with both of your hands. Remember to keep your feet flexed.  

2. Lift yourself up so only your toes and forearms are touching the floor. Every part of your body should be the same distance from the ground. Look down the whole time, keeping your head in a neutral position. 

3. Hold for one minute. Then, lower yourself back to the ground. 

Heel Touch 

1. Lie down on the floor with your back on the ground and your knees bent. Keep your feet shoulder width apart.  

2. Your arms need to be at your side and shoulders barely off the floor.

3. Touch your right hand to your right heel. Make sure you are using your abs when you are leaning to touch your heel.

4. Repeat step 3, but this time with your left hand and left heel. 

5. Alternate back and forth for 30 repetitions. 

Dumbbell Squat Swings 

1. With both hands grab one end of a 15-pound weight while standing with your feet shoulder width apart.

2. Bend your knees and sit back into a squat. At the same time let the dumbbell go towards the floor.

3. Extend your legs while simultaneously swinging the weight straight up, stopping at chest height. That is one rep.

4. Do 19 more for a total of 20 reps. 


Weighted Bent-Knee Kickbacks 

1.  Get on your hands and knees with your hips over your knees and shoulders over your hands. 

2. Put a 10-pound weight behind your right knee and squeeze so it stays in place.

3. Lift your heel to the ceiling, squeezing your butt once your heel is as high as it can go. 

4. Bring your heel back to the ground to finish one rep. 

5. Do 15 times. Then, switch to your left side again for 15 reps.

Do all the exercises twice completely to make two full sets. Hopefully these workouts will have you ready and excited for summer! 

Photo 1  | Photo 2  | Photo 3 | Photo 4  |  Photo 5


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