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Campus Celebrity: Kirsten Kozarits

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

1. What year are you at Illinois?


2.  What is your position on Her Campus and why do you love it?

I’m the Vice President of Community Outreach for Her Campus! I love being on Her Campus exec board because it’s great experience and planning events for other people on campus to attend is super exciting! The goodies we get it from each event aren’t half bad either :)

3.  What is your favorite memory from college?

My favorite memory from college is when the Cubs won the World Series and Green street turned into Wrigleyville all night! People were crying and jumping up and down all night. It was one of the most fun nights I’ve had in college and will always remember that!

4.  If you had to give advice to a current freshman, what would it be?

I guess the best advice I could give a freshman would be to get involved in the university organizations as much as possible. Even if you don’t know what you want to do yet, just immerse yourself in multiple activities because it actually might help you find out what major or career best suits you. Personally, being on Her Campus has been a great talking point during interviews and it solidified my love for the advertising and public relations industries! P.S. Join Her Campus if you don’t know what organizations to join :)

5. Is there anything at U of I that you haven’t done yet and want to before graduation?

The one thing I haven’t done yet is go to a basketball game. I’ve been to plenty of football games and hockey games, but a basketball game is another fun sport that I would love to watch. The State Farm Center is so cool on the outside so I would love to see what it looks like from the inside!


6.  Are you excited for graduation? Explain

Ah the question I probably answered ten times at the Thanksgiving dinner table lol. My answer is yes AND no. I love my friends and being able to see them practically 24/7, so that is what makes me say absolutely not. But at the same time, I’m really excited to see what the next chapter holds. I loved working in my internships so being able to nail a full-time job hopefully will make me very excited to graduate and begin my career in the ad industry!

7.  Do you have plans after graduation?

And so here is the second most asked question during Thanksgiving…As of right now, I am in the process of narrowing down the companies I would like to apply to and shadowing friends who work for advertising agencies in Chicago. The goal is to get a job in either Account Management or Research & Analytics! Although nerve-racking, I am super excited to start interviewing with companies and find one that best fits my qualifications! Wish me luck lol