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6 Characters You Will Meet Your Freshman Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Freshman year is a whirlwind of a year. You’re constantly meeting new people, trying to remember their names and attempting to attend every party you know about, all while keeping up with schoolwork and real responsibilities. You meet hundreds of new people throughout your first year, especially at a campus the size of U of I. These people, however, help shape who you become as an adult, as you learn what you value in friends and what beliefs you have through them. However, despite the enormous variety of personalities, there’s some types that you’ll likely find no matter where you go to school.

The Partier

They don’t miss a single social event, and you constantly wonder how they are passing their classes. They are always out, seem to know everyone at the bar and you’re not sure if you’ve ever actually interacted with them while they are sober. With pictures constantly appearing on social media, they always seem to make you feel like you’re missing out. Ultimately, their risk-taking activities will end in some sort of consequence, and you realize it’s all right (and much more beneficial) to not go to every party.

The Perfect Student

They, unlike the partier, don’t miss a single class. You know exactly when your exam scores are posted because they’re likely asking you how you did before you have a chance to check. Your relationship with this person is generally because of class, and you’ve only gotten to know them because they’re constantly comparing notes. These people, despite their competitive nature, are great to keep around when you need inspiration.

The “Puts-you-in Perspective”

You’ve likely grown up knowing many of the same people your entire life, and you’re used to the environment of your community from home. However, this person makes you see the bigger picture- either they come from a radically different environment or a totally different lifestyle which makes your realize you’ve lived in a bubble until now. These people will be wherever you go for the rest of your life, and can help you learn how to understand and empathize with others.

The Vapid Narcissist

Unfortunately, this type is not exclusive to college campuses. You have likely already met people like this, but for some reason, you are unable to escape them. The vapid narcissist is likely someone in a club, class or workplace that you are forced to deal with, despite their unappealing demeanor. These people are the ones who constantly look past you as you speak to them, have incredible acting skills when it comes to faking friendships and ultimately, do not care about you or any part of your existence. They’re an unfortunate part of the college experience, but they help you learn that dealing with their type is a valuable skill to have.

The Frat Bro

This category includes anyone who is overly-involved in their club, whether it be Greek life, marching band or sports team. This type of person finds it hard to carry a conversation about anything besides their organization, and only ever attempts to form relationships with their fellow “bros.”  While these people are often incredibly hard to associate with if you’re not in their inner circle, they are great to keep around when you need connections.

The Perfect Friend

You’ve probably spent your entire existence up until now with the same group of friends, or you have been limited to a high school of the same people you’ve known most of your life. Coming to college, you’ll realize that despite all of the crazy personalities you’ve met, you’re bound to find a person who fits your personality perfectly; maybe it is one of the people from earlier in this list. Either way, the best part of freshman year is finding those people who finally make you the happiest, because you know on a campus of thousands that you’re going to find someone who fits your personality perfectly.

Editor in Chief of Her Campus Illinois Chapter