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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Finding cute outfits for class when you wake up 15 minutes before is a constant struggle. Here are 5 ideas for your on the go cute outfits! 

1. Joggers

Joggers are the easiest way to look cute while also being comfy at the same time. They are cute and trendy and everyone is wearing them to class!

2. Cropped Sweatshirt

A cropped sweatshirt is also perfect and comfy for on the go. They go perfectly with high-waisted leggings, jeans or joggers! 

3. Beanie

For the cold weather a cute beanie is perfect when you roll out of bed and have a bad hair day!

4. Leggings

Leggings are always an easy go-to when you are struggling to find an outfit. Leggings go with mostly everything and they are perfect if you need something comfortable to sit in a desk all day!

5. Vest

A vest is perfect for fall weather when its too warm for a winter coat but too cold for just a long sleeve shirt. They also go perfect with any outfit!

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The official page for the University of Illinois Her Campus chapter.