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Your Major Isn’t Going Anywhere

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

When people find out you’re attending college, their first question is almost always, “where do you think you’re going?? And their next one is, “what are you planning on studying??” Picking where you want to go to college is one of the most exciting parts of attending college. The world is your oyster and you have thousands of options waiting at your fingertips. Picking your major, however, can be a difficult and frustrating process. I’m here to tell you to stop stressing out about it and tell those people, “I’m not sure what I want to study yet, I have plenty of time to figure that out.” College is a time where you find yourself and grow as a person, and chances are, you aren’t going to be interested in the same things you were when you were in high school by the time you’re mid way through your college career. That’s why giving it time and being patient is so important when it comes to picking a major. There is no point in declaring a major you feel obligated to pick, taking a bunch of classes pertaining to that major, and end up wasting your time and money when you decide you don’t like that major anymore. College courses are expensive, and there is no point in wasting your money taking a course about something during your freshman year, that you will have zero interest in by the time you’re a junior. Your freshman and sophomore years are the perfect time to get your general education courses (gen eds) out of the way. As annoying and pointless as gen eds can seem, they’re actually great ways to explore all different kinds of subjects. These classes can give you a good sense on what kind of subjects the college version of you likes and dislikes. No matter when you declare your field of study, your major isn’t going anywhere; it will always be there waiting for you once you take your time to figure out what it is.

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