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What Your Favorite Starbucks Drink Says About You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Let’s admit it…the majority of us collegiate women can’t get through the day (sometimes even mornings) without a cup of coffee. For some of us, it’s almost part of our routine to visit the local Starbucks for our favorite caffeinated beverage. Whether you get a caramel macchiato or a skinny vanilla latte, your go-to drink says a lot more about you than you may think! Check out our list on what your favorite Starbucks drink says about you!


1. Pumpkin Spice Latte

You’re not really sure if you like coffee or not. You love the taste of the smooth pumpkin and spice, but you’re not exactly certain if you like the actual taste of the coffee. You’re always looking on the bright side and spend the majority of your days thinking about the next time you’ll be able to take a picture of your Starbucks cup for your snap story. You probably also like PSL’s, because you love fall. Sweaters, basic Instagram pics of leaves, bonfires, and riding boots…how else can you complete your fall love than with a PSL?


2. Black coffee

Unlike the PSL lovers, you actually like the taste of coffee. You’re looking to get your caffeine fix, which at this point has become a borderline addiction.  Your friends don’t get how you could drink something that’s so bitter, but you scoff at their childish opinions. You’re often sarcastic and can be found reading poetry or the philosophical theories of Locke. You live for the moment when you can wake up and have your first cup o’joe.


3. Caramel Macchiato (Iced or Hot)

You’re on the fence about whether or not you like coffee. You already know that all a caramel macchiato is steamed milk marked with a tiny bit of espresso. You like the taste of the espresso, but you’re not sure if you’re ready to make it official. You’re a carefree individual who loves life. You’re easy to get along with and are always up for a run to Starbs with your girls.


4. Teavana Oprah Chai Tea Latte

You don’t like coffee and you’re not afraid to admit it. You’d rather curl up on the couch with a cup of tea. You’re used to the odd looks you get in line while you order your tea at the world-known coffee shop. It takes a special kind of person to drink this, but you’re okay with that. You’re bold and don’t care what other people think of you. You do what makes you happy.


5. Double Chocolaty Chip Crème Frappuccino

You don’t like coffee…you just like ice cream. You also might not be sure how to pronounce anything else on the menu, so you’re content ordering this. Who cares though? While your friends are all drinking lattes and black coffee, you get to live like a kid and sip on a milkshake drizzled with chocolate sauce. You’re the jokester of the group and the life of the party.  You live each day to the fullest and love to take risks. You often get laughed at by your friends for ordering this drink, but haters gonna hate. Am I right?

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Amber Allison

Illinois State

Student at Illinois State University. Memeber of Delta Delta Delta sorority. Online shopping addict. Obsessed with coffee.
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