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The Struggles of Going Back to School After Winter Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Going back to school after Winter Break is one of the biggest challenges throughout the school year. Sure, it’s all fun and games during syllabus week, but when the beginning of a new semester hits you, it hits you hard. Here are a few struggles you might be able to relate to this time of year:


1.     Waking up for an 8 a.m. after a month of sleeping until noon.

*hits snooze button 5 times*


2.     Not having any parents around to cook for you.


3.     Realizing you need to get it together.


4.     Using communal bathrooms…is the worst.


5.     Dealing with noisy neighbors.


6.     Missing your friends from home.


7.     Wanting to go back home and avoid all responsibilities.


We all know that it’s hard to get back into the swing of things, but just remember as the semester goes on it will be summer before we know it!

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Alyse Marin

Illinois State

Contributor account for Illinois State