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Froyo is Better than Ice Cream, Don’t @ Me

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at HPU chapter.

Cheap desserts are basically the main ingredient of a busy college student’s life (unless you’re one of those people who eat healthy food and exercise and just have your life together, in which case congratulations but this article is not for you). Brownies, Ben and Jerry’s, or molten lava cakes from Domino’s are things that I crave on the reg – but, there’s one dessert that I long for more than any other: frozen yogurt.

Disclaimer so y’all don’t hate me: ice cream is good and I love it, but my point here is that I love froyo just a little bit more – and here’s why.

1. You can combine flavors at any ratio you want

Ice cream limits you in the sense that if you want multiple flavors, you have to order multiple scoops. But with froyo, if it’s a 10% chocolate 15% caramel 75% peanut butter kind of day, then you are entitled to have exactly that.

2. So customizable

Chocolate and fruit? Sure. Cake batter and gummy bears? Great! Tart and marshmallow topping? Go for it. ALL OF THE ABOVE?? Yes girl, you can have it ALL!

3. Healthy… ish?

Idk about you, but I can eat a 500 calorie froyo concoction and still feel better about myself than eating two brownies. Plus, you can just throw some fruit on there – it creates a nice illusion of making good choices.

4. Make your own price

With froyo, you literally decide how much you want to pay. Maybe you just want a little bit of froyo with some chocolate on top that’ll cost you $4, or maybe you feel like creating a cheesecake-bite-cookie-dough-gummy-bear concoction that weighs a pound and costs $13. Totally up to you!

5. It’s an experience

Sure, you can head to your local ice cream parlor and ask for a few scoops with all the toppings you want, but there’s just something about filling your own container with the exact 42 sprinkles that you want – it really makes for a perfect dessert experience.

Katrina Hicks

Northwestern '19
