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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Howard chapter.

Through all the blood, sweat, and tears, the worst thing about college has to be the fact that it does not last forever. The spring semester is in full swing ,and for some, it means that a journey has come to an end. Hercampus-Howard took the opportunity to sit down with a graduating senior to see what it feels like to prepare to move forward from a life-changing institution.

 Full Name: Alexis Jasmine James
Major/Minor: English/History
What is your best memory of Howard University?
I would have to say the day Barack Obama was inaugurated. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity for me to see and experience and it was history making. And, I was a part of it.
If you change anything about your college career, what would
I would have networked better.  One thing that Howard teaches you is that it is not what you know, it is who you know.


What do you like best about Howard University?
I love the familial atmosphere.  No matter what is going on, I’m comfortable here.  And, this is home.
What do you dislike most about Howard University?
The lack of progression.  I feel like it takes Howard a long time to get up to date and get with the times.  Sometimes, I feel like Howard is not as technologically savvy as it could be whether it is Bison Web or overrides.  I just feel like we’re not as progressive as we could be.
What do you feel was your biggest contribution to Howard?
I maintained one of the organizations that embody what Howard is most about: America’s Promise.  A Saturday morning mentoring program for youth ages three to thirteen.  It bridges the gap between the Howard University community and the surrounding community through service.
What will you miss most about Howard University?
The familiar environment…It is not likely that I will find the same comfort amongst strangers.
As a graduating senior, what are the things at the top of your bucket list?
Umm, go to a Capitols hockey games, have a drink at Ben’s Next Door, have assortment of ethnic food, see the monuments at night, and plethora of other things.
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Married and considering children with my law degree.
What advice would you give underclassmen?
Play hard, study harder.

Kalia Williams sophomore English major with a a minor in Journalism. She is from McAllen, TX, a budding town on the border of Texas and Mexico. She is interested in fashion, cinematography, traveling and learning languages. In addition to writing for HerCampus-Howard University, she serves as the editor of Sterling Notes, the literary magazine at Howard University. She is an avid fan of soccer and aspires to go to the World Cup 2014 in Brazil!