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Stop Stumbling Down The Hill

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

We get it, mornings are hard.  Every night before we go to sleep, we know we want to try and look good for the day ahead of us as well as be prepared for all our classes.  Still no matter what, each morning we find ourselves rushing down the hill, hair half brushed and praying we remembered our homework assignment in our bags. And with no breakfast in our stomachs how is a girl to make it through the day?  Follow these tips to maximize your morning, making the most of your time to look and feel great for the busy day on the hill.

1. Don’t lie in bed!

Get up and start your day! If you’re like me, you wake up and check all social media on your phone.  Between Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat stories, you can waste 15 minutes of precious morning time in bed.  Save checking your phone for the walk to class, or for when you need to procrastinate!

2. Change up your Alarms!

Sleep cycles last every 90 minutes, so plan your sleep time so that you don’t wake up in the middle of a sleep cycle.  You want to feel fresh and alert when you wake up.  You can also change your alarm to a song that you like or really fast and upbeat.  It’s pretty easy to hate your alarm each morning when it’s playing the same ring each day.

3. Treat Yourself

Now that you are more organized and not rushing around in the morning, treat yourself to a morning snack!  Stop by cool beans for a coffee and bagel, or better yet use Tapingo to order what you want and pick it up on the way to class!  It would save so much time and you’re stomach won’t be growling in class because you never got the chance to eat.

4. Pack Up

Don’t rush around 15 minutes before class starts trying to find all the materials you need.  Pack your backpack right before bed.  You can get all your belongings together and take your time to see what you really need.  It will be way easier than having to go all the way back to your dorm because you forgot you needed a notebook for a specific class.

5. Know What to Wear

This step may sound a bit lame, but laying your clothes out the night before really helps.  Look at the weather to help you plan too! Just because the sky is grey doesn’t mean it’s going to rain and you need your Hunter rain boots, I learned that the hard way.  Getting dressed is so much easier when you know exactly what you’re wearing rather than trying on a bunch of different outfits and throwing them on your bed.  This makes coming back to your room in the afternoon even worse because your entire closet has created a mountain on your bed.  Everyone wants to look cute for class without trying too hard, but it really shouldn’t be hard to do.  Just take a little extra time each night!!

By planning just a little bit more, you can make your mornings waaaaaaay more bearable.  You don’t have to look like you just rolled out of bed while you speed walk to class.  Instead, keep these ideas in mind while getting ready in the morning because it will help the rest of the day to fly by!